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seeing hope through the eyes of children


在孩子的世界里一把牙刷、一张桌子也许都有生命,他们乐于创作并把任何事物都赋予生命,而眼睛是他们创作的窗口, 项目设计与2020年中国COVID-19最严重的1-3月,我们希望在这种时刻依然让孩子们保持创作与希望,所以我们将logo作为眼睛, 把logo做成贴纸,激励孩子们继续创作并把喜欢的东西赋予生命,再将孩子们的设计用在他们熟悉的地方——幼儿园。

In a child’s world, a toothbrush or a table may have life,They are happy to create and give life to everything, and the eyes are the window of their creation. The project was designed in January-March 2020, the most serious period of COVID-19. We hope that at this moment, the children can still keep creative and hopeful, so we set the logo As eyes, use the logo as a sticker to inspire children to continue to create and give life to the things they like, and then use the children's design in a place they are familiar with-kindergarten.