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相宜本草 本草医女/红景天

2018年/天猫双11,与618不同 1、双11主推产品线为——红景天/小红瓶 2、背景不一致,品牌方选择通过流量明星在双11获得流量窗口 3、内容多,但不深,内容夹杂。项目本身不如618有地道湖州蚕丝背景作为背书 4、品牌方还是希望借势持续推出女神医IP 根据slogan——要红要趁早,将红的概念不断的强化给受众, 且在内容形式上的格调高于四倍蚕丝,但又更具品牌多样性、更年轻化。

T-Mall 11.11EC Campaign / 2018 Objective The brand is selected in the most competitive e-commerce festival of the year, Take the main product as an opportunity Launch a new EC Campaign Our challenge is to help him stand out from other brands Solution Continue develop IP - female divine doctor Combine Campaign Slogan ,To carry out online Communication plan First this brand in this e-commerce festival first sales peak.