Newone Talks2 Key Vision
青设论2 主视觉设计
青设论陆俊毅设计现场每年毕业季的直播栏目,每年汇集大量全球顶尖设计院校学生的直播活动。 设计上用两组色将毕业生的男女区分开,方便于大量的延展性应用。而且只用方块来代表———vision,视野。 用3色叠加来传递——多看、多练、多思考的普世性设计观念。
Newone Talks is an annual live program during graduation season at LJY Design Site, which features numerous live broadcasts from top design schools around the world. In terms of design, two sets of colors are used to distinguish between male and female graduates, making it convenient for extensive applications. Moreover, only squares are used to represent “vision”. By using 3 colors in combination, it conveys the universal design concept of “seeing more, practicing more, and thinking more”.